About Us
We work with established agencies, labels and organizations, as well as young talents and startups.
We Are The Best
We are a creative film and photo production company hungry for quality in aesthetics. To create modern recognizable stuff we are working with a strong network of experienced professionals. We set up teams to shape your identity, push your idea and manage the workflow from pre- to post-production.
Hire us now
Filming Services
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucs orci luctus et ultrices accusamus, eius quia molestias nihil temporibus nam praesentium
Studio Hire
Dultrices posuereaccusamus, eius quia molestias nihil accusamus, eius quia molestias nihil temporibus nam praesentium
Workshops & Private Tuition
Dultrices posuereaccusamus, eius quia molestias nihil accusamus, eius quia molestias nihil temporibus nam praesentium
Met our team
Who We Are
We are a team of different artistic and skilled film producers who have the same
aim of producing the best films to the beloved audience.
The best film studio
They all are witnesses. If you or your organization have a story to tell, an idea to share or word to spread, the Nine Studio can help you bring it to life. They can assist with narrative exploration, director contacts and production strategies.
The best film studio
They all are witnesses. If you or your organization have a story to tell, an idea to share or word to spread, the Nine Studio can help you bring it to life. They can assist with narrative exploration, director contacts and production strategies.